CAMDEN, N.J. -- John Hoskins is not proud of his dependence on government. He scrapes by on a $900 monthly check from the Veterans Administration and $16 in food stamps. Sometimes he struggles just to pay his utilities& ...
jon hoskins
01-28-13, 07:59 PM #2 &. Jon Hoskins &. View Profile &. View Forum Posts. Jon Hoskins is offline ... 01-29-13, 12:19 AM #3 &. Jon Hoskins &. View Profile &. View Forum Posts. Jon Hoskins is offline& ...
John Hoskins Stone, Federalist Colonel, 1st Maryland Regiment of the Continental Army. Battles of Brooklyn, White Plaines, Princeton, Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth and Stony Point. Wounded at Germantown and as& ...
(Editor`s Note - For a change of pace this winter we will do profiles of some of the Federalists who helped create this great nation. They gave us Liberty. But would they even recognize the centralized authoritarian and& ...
CAMDEN, N.J. -- John Hoskins is not proud of his dependence on government. He scrapes by on a $900 monthly check from the Veterans Administration and $16 in food stamps. Sometimes he struggles just to pay his utilities& ...
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